Jen communicating with the locals (pic: Shane Mitchell)

Jen communicating with the locals (pic: Shane Mitchell)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Island Bound

So the blog thing is up and running, finally, and will take a rather large step up as of the beginning of December to let you know all the happenings on the isolated coral cay that is my new home. Expect photos and juicy/ gory details of made up events that never really happened interspersed with the real and random Jungle Jen moments you know and love (or don't but read anyway).

Bookmark me! You know you wanna!

I leave at midnight on the 27th November (Friday Night) for the 30hr boat ride (good weather permitting) to the island, from there on in its only email contact for 6 months so get into it!

Alls well from Townsville



  1. Ay Feasty... I will be looking forward to reading of your exploits! xx elle

  2. que lugar lindo sua cara!
    Éder (EDAO) de Londrina, Paraná Brasil
    JESUS te abençoe
